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By default, the module will not register any Vuetify directive. If you need to register some directive, use vuetifyOptions.directives module option, it has been declared properly to have better DX.

You can register all the directives or only the ones you need: check the directives definition.

Ignore directives from v0.15.1

If you want to ignore some directives, you can use the moduleOptions.ignoreDirectives option. The module will configure the Vuetify Vite Plugin to ignore the directives you specify.


Registering all the directives

Example registering all the Vuetify directives:

// Nuxt config file
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['vuetify-nuxt-module'],
  vuetify: {
    vuetifyOptions: {
      directives: true

Registering one directive

Example registering a single Vuetify directive, use singular name or array notation:

// Nuxt config file
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['vuetify-nuxt-module'],
  vuetify: {
    vuetifyOptions: {
      directives: 'Ripple' // or ['Ripple']

Registering multiple directives

Example registering multiple Vuetify directives, use array notation:

// Nuxt config file
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['vuetify-nuxt-module'],
  vuetify: {
    vuetifyOptions: {
      directives: ['Ripple', 'Resize']

Released under the MIT License.